Neolithic Revolution MC Questions

Subsistence farming can best be defined as

(1) harvesting a surplus of crops to be sold for profit

(2) producing just enough food for a family’s survival

(3) domesticating animals to transport goods

(4) irrigating crops to increase production


A direct result of the Neolithic Revolution is that people

(1) began living in permanent settlements

(2) developed a nomadic way of life

(3) depended on hunting and gathering

(4) used crop rotation to increase agricultural output


The Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in history because it

(1) influenced climatic changes

(2) included the domestication of plants and animals

(3) encouraged a nomadic lifestyle

(4) caused a decline in population


The primary reason the Bantu-speaking people of West Africa migrated southward and eastward between 500 B.C. and A.D. 1500 was to

(1) flee warfare

(2) seek religious freedom

(3) establish a colonial empire

(4) find land for farming and grazing


Which revolution led to the development of these civilizations?

(1) Industrial (3) Green

(2) Neolithic (4) Commercial


During which period did the domestication of animals and growing of crops first occur?

(1) Iron Age

(2) Old Stone Age

(3) Neolithic Revolution

(4) Scientific Revolution


At the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution, the most direct impact of these developments was on

(1) religion and government

(2) transportation and trade

(3) diet and shelter

(4) climate and topography


One result of the Neolithic Revolution was

  1. an increase in the number of nomadic tribes
  2. a reliance on hunting and gathering for food
  3. the establishment of villages and the rise of governments
  4. a decrease in trade between cultural groups 


What is the main reason the Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in world history?

(1)   Fire was used as a source of energy for the first time.

(2)   Spoken language was used to improve communication.

(3)   Domestication of animals and cultivation of crops led to settled communities.

(4)   Stone tools and weapons were first developed.


What is the best title for this diagram?

(1) Elements of Belief Systems

(2) Characteristics of Classical Civilizations

(3) Benefits of the Counter Reformation

(4) Changes during the Neolithic Revolution


River Valley Civilizations 

Based on the information in this illustration, which statement about the society of ancient Egypt is accurate?

(1) The women had equal status to the men.

(2) The social structure was hierarchical.

(3) Social mobility was unrestricted.

(4) Soldiers outnumbered farmers.


Which geographic factor was most important to the development of the early river valley civilizations?

  1. fertile soils
  2. high mountains
  3. vast deserts
  4. smooth coastlines


Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. ______________________________

A. Centralized governments

B. Organized religions

C. Social classes

D. Specialization of labor


(1)   Economic Development in Ancient Egypt

(2)   Cultural Diffusion in Mohenjo-Daro

(3)   Features of the Old Stone Age

(4)   Characteristics of Civilizations


. . .“If a man has knocked out the teeth of a man of the same rank, his own teeth shall be knocked out. If he has knocked out the teeth of a plebeian (commoner), he shall pay one-third of a mina of silver.”. . .

— Code of Hammurabi

Which statement is supported by this excerpt from Hammurabi’s code of laws?

(1) All men are equal under the law.

(2) Fines are preferable to physical punishment.

(3) Law sometimes distinguishes between social classes.

(4) Violence must always be punished with violence.


Which statement most accurately describes how geography affected the growth of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia?

(1)   River valleys provided rich soil to grow plentiful crops.

(2)   Large deserts provided many mineral deposits.

(3)   Access to the Atlantic Ocean provided trade routes.

(4)   Large savanna areas provided protection from invaders.


Which geographic factor had a major influence on the development of both Egyptian and Babylonian


(1) river valleys

(2) cool temperatures

(3) locations near a strait

(4) mountains


Which factor led to the development of civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia?

(1)   political harmony

(2)   favorable geography

(3)   religious differences

(4)   universal education


One way in which the civilizations of the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, and the Maya were similar is that each

  1. developed extensive writing systems
  2. emphasized equality in education
  3. established monotheistic religions
  4. encouraged democratic participation in government 


One reason for the development of an early civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates river valleys was that

  1. the location protected the people from land invasion
  2. periodic flooding left rich soil, which was ideal for farming
  3. these rivers provided a direct trade route between Europe and Asia
  4. these rivers flowed into the Mediterranean Sea 


Which characteristic did the early civilizations that developed along the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates and the Huang He (Yellow River) have in common?

  1. each society’s religious beliefs were based on monotheism
  2. urban communities were built using iron and steel tools
  3. the form of government in each community was based on male suffrage
  4. transportation and communication were promoted by a mild climate, fertile soil, and natural waterways 


The early civilizations of the Nile River Valley, Mesopotamia, and the Yellow River Valley were similar because they were

  1. industrialized societies
  2. monotheistic
  3. dependent on fertile land
  4. dependent on each other for trade 


“If a seignior (noble) has knocked out the tooth of a seignior of his own rank, they shall knock out his tooth. But if he has knocked out a commoner’s tooth, he shall pay one-third mina of silver.”

-Code of Hammurabi

Which idea of Babylonian society does this portion of the Hammurabi code of law reflect?

  1. all men were equal under the law
  2. fines were preferable to corporal punishment
  3. divisions existed between social classes
  4. violence was always punished with violence 


The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt were similar in that both cultures

  1. developed along rivers
  2. used the ziggurat form for their temples
  3. established trade routes to China
  4. used a hieroglyphic writing system 


Which civilization first developed a civil service system, invented gunpowder, and manufactured porcelain?

(1)   Aztec

(2)   Japanese

(3)   Chinese

(4)   Roman


The main purpose of this map is to illustrate the location of

  1. overseas trade routes
  2. river valley civilizations
  3. early belief systems
  4. burial sites of ancient rulers